
Project maintained by pierd Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
28 August 2018

FIRST POST aka Why a website?

I guess every blog needs a why page. So here’s the one for this one.

I would like this to be a mixture of information about myself, my interests, projects and in general things I find interesting. It would be cool if it can serve as a kind of portfolio.

I don’t expect to have any audience but if you stumble upon this little piece of Internet - say hello.

The dates are kind of fuzzy here. I have loads of notes and I’m turning them into posts and backdating to what I think is appropriate (date of the note, date when I finished given book). Also some posts evolve (or are evolving because this is the first one I’m updating) with time, I won’t change the date in this case - if there’s plenty of new material then I’ll just create a new one and reference the old one. If for whatever reason you’re interested in how this thing was changing in time then you can always check the underlying repository.

Cheers, Kuba